What temperature should a hot Tub Temperature Be?

It may seem like something that is obvious initially, but it frequently causes confusion to new owners of hot tubs. The majority of control systems for hot tubs offer a maximum temperature of 40oC as well as freeze protection. This is activated whenever the spa sees the temperature dropping below 6.7o C.

This triggers the blowers and pumps to keep that the temperature of water is frozen. These are the only limits that the temperature of your hot tub may be within, and it's up to you to leave the decision to you to determine the one you would prefer.

A Little Like It Hot!

The maximum temperature for the hot tub is 40oC to ensure safety. Any hot tub which is higher than this level isn't suitable to be used. Hot tubers may prefer to soak in water with a temperature of 40o in the first hour two of bathing during a cold winter night the temperature will drop to about 37.5o which is a reasonable choice.

We've noticed over the years that women like temperatures that are a little more hot, typically at around 38/39o C. When we deliver the hot tub we typically leave the client with the temperature set at 38o C which makes it more comfortable to be to more than 40o C and also allows for the slight drop in temperature when it is being used.

What is a Small Pool?

In the summer and spring months, when the temperature is high and you do not want to swim in 38oC water, lower the temperature! This isn't just a hot bath, it could also be a cold bath! If you clean it up in the same way you do and it is clean, it will be great. You're not just having fun in your spa to cool off, you're also saving money on heating expenses!

Health Precautions

First, it is essential to speak with your physician to determine if hot water can affect your. Pregnant women should not use hot water because it may harm the fetes. People who suffer from heart problems and high blood pressure shouldn't take advantage of hot tubs that are heated to higher temperatures. If you're unsure you should consult your doctor. Read For More...


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